All terms and expressions in the dictionary
Below you will find the full list of posts we have saved in the dictionary for homeowner and housing associations. Remember, all content is written in a tone of voice that limits the legal jargon and aims to make it understandable and straightforward.
HOA bylaws
HOA bylaws are the guiding rules set by a Homeowners Association (HOA) to govern the administration and management of the community. They outline how the...
Parking rules
Parking rules are regulations established by an owner's association to manage the parking spaces within the community. These rules may cover topics such as where...
Common facilities
In the context of homeowners associations and housing cooperatives, 'Common facilities' refer to shared spaces and amenities that are jointly owned and used by all...
Extraordinary General Assembly
An Extraordinary General Assembly is a special meeting that is not part of the regular schedule of meetings for an owners' association. This meeting can...
House rules
House Rules are the set of regulations created by the board of a homeowners' association or other types of property owners' associations. These rules are...
Working for an association
Working for an association refers to being employed or involved in the operations of a collective entity such as a homeowners, condominium, or housing cooperative...
Chairman of the Meeting
Chairman of the Meeting refers to the individual who oversees and manages the proceedings of a meeting. In the context of homeowner associations, this person...
Annual General Meeting (AGM) in a housing cooperative
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) in a housing cooperative is a yearly gathering where members of the cooperative meet to discuss and make decisions on...
Preparation for Annual General Meeting
The 'Preparation for Annual General Meeting' refers to the process of planning and organizing the yearly meeting for all members of an owner's association. This...
Quorum rules
Quorum rules refer to the minimum number of members who must be present at a meeting to make the proceedings of that meeting valid. These...
In the context of a homeowner's association, a proxy refers to a person who is designated by a member of the association to represent them...
A treasurer is a designated member of a board or committee who is responsible for the management and oversight of an organization's financial affairs. In...
Majority rules
Majority rules is a decision-making principle that is commonly used in various types of organizations, including homeowner associations. The principle states that the choice supported...
Alternate or Deputy
An Alternate or Deputy is a person who is appointed to act on behalf of another person, particularly in a legal or business context. In...
An auditor is a professional who conducts an independent examination of an organization's financial records to determine their accuracy and compliance with laws, regulations, and...
General Assembly minutes
General Assembly minutes are the official written record of the proceedings of a meeting held by the General Assembly of an owners' association. They typically...
Types of meeting minutes
Meeting minutes are essentially a written record of everything that was discussed and decided upon during a meeting. The types of meeting minutes can vary...
Minutes are a written record of everything that is discussed and decided during meetings. They are used to document discussions, agreed actions, and the progress...
Suspension of Annual General Meeting
Suspension of an Annual General Meeting (AGM) refers to the postponement or delay of this crucial gathering due to various reasons. This could be due...
Board of Directors’ formation
In the context of homeowners associations, 'Board of Directors’ formation' refers to the process of establishing a board of directors. This board is typically made...
In the context of owner associations, a Chairman is the person elected by the board members to lead meetings and discussions. They have a key...
Vice Chairman
A Vice Chairman is a key role within an owner association's board of directors. While the Chairman leads the board, the Vice Chairman acts as...
Covenant (or Easement)
A covenant, also known as an easement, is a legal agreement or contract created by deed which grants a right to use another person's property...
Voting rules in a homeowners’ association
In a homeowners' association, voting rules refer to the guidelines and procedures set out for making decisions that affect the community as a whole. These...
Allocation key
In the context of homeowner associations, the Allocation Key is a term used to denote the method of distributing costs among the members of the...
Registration (of a property or legal document)
Registration, in the context of property or legal documents, refers to the process of officially recording or enlisting certain details in a public or government...
Insurance coverage
Insurance coverage refers to the amount of risk or liability that is covered for an individual or entity by insurance services. In the context of...
Property valuation
Property valuation, also known as real estate appraisal, is the process of estimating the market value of a property. This is often a necessary step...
Legal basis
Legal basis is the underlying law or principle that justifies an action or decision in a legal context. In the context of homeowners' associations, it...
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors, also known as the governing body, is a group of individuals that are elected by the shareholders or members of an...
Maintenance plan
A Maintenance Plan is a detailed document that outlines the routine upkeep and repairs necessary to maintain the value, safety, and functionality of a property....
Operating budget
An Operating Budget is a detailed projection of all estimated income and expenses based on forecasted sales revenue during a given period, usually a year....
Administrator for a homeowners’ association
An Administrator for a homeowners' association is a professional who is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the association. They are typically involved in...
Annual General Meeting in a homeowners’ association
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a yearly gathering of the members of a homeowners' association. It is a legally required meeting in which members...
Homeowners’ association fee
A Homeowners’ association fee, often abbreviated as HOA fee, is a regular payment made by homeowners within a certain community, typically a housing estate or...
Board meeting minutes
Board Meeting Minutes are the written or recorded documentation that is used to inform attendees and non-attendees about what was discussed or what happened during...
In the context of homeowners associations, a Secretary plays a vital role. This person is responsible for maintaining the records of the association, including meeting...
Other board members
Other board members refer to those individuals who hold positions on the board of an owner's association, but aren't in the primary roles of Chairperson,...
Notice (or Calling notice for a meeting)
In the context of an owner's association, a Notice or Calling notice for a meeting is a formal announcement made ahead of a meeting. This...
In the context of homeowner associations, an agenda refers to a list of items that need to be addressed during a meeting. This list is...
Presentation of proposals
Presentation of Proposals is a formal process where suggestions or plans are put forth for consideration or action in a meeting. These proposals can be...