We work with many different types of HOAs

It’s not just COAs (Condominium Associations) and HOAs (Homeowners Associations) that need a system tailored to their needs. Anyhoa can deliver a customized solution for any HOA. We have developed a system that works particularly well for most residential associations – but we also know that no one understands your association like you do. That’s why features can be added or excluded to ensure the website fits your specific requirements.

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Here's the typical features we see necessary

  • Easy management: Not all are tech-geniuses and that is why our software can be used by anyone. Really.
  • Waiting-lists: For residential associations with interested buyers.
  • Document storage: A safe and secure place for documents to be available for the entire association.
  • Communication: Efficient and safe communication inside the association.
  • Events: Organize events and share pictures from your times together.

Our most popular features

As Scandinavians we believe in simplicity. Our list of features may seem extensive but we are making sure to only provide what is needed. That is why your associations is free to cherry pick what you need. That way, your HOA won’t end up with a solution where you pay for a bunch of features you don’t need. See the list of features below.

Digital document storage

Limit waste and use your homeowner association's website to share important documents and control access for residents and potential buyers, ensuring they see only what you choose to share.

Read more about digital document storage

"Meet your Janitor"

The janitor plays an essential role in many housing associations. Share information and contact details on the website so everyone has an overview and can easily get in touch with the janitor.

Read more about Meet your Janitor

Set up bylaws

When you collect the bylaws of any association online, it becomes easier for everyone to access and manage the documents. This increases both user-friendliness and security.

Read more about setting up bylaws

House Rules

It is advantageous to post the housing association's house rules online. This provides easy access for everyone and makes it easy to update the rules.

Read more about House Rules


Create waiting lists and stay in touch with interested parties. Our waiting list feature allows you to share updates with potential residents on an ongoing basis – making it easy to reach out when a property becomes available.

Read more about Waiting-lists

Booking of common areas

Our feature makes it easy to keep track of booking times in the common areas. Residents can keep track of when their laundry is finished or when they can throw a party. Availability becomes clear for everyone.

Read more about Booking of common areas

Sale and Purchase agreement

Ensure a smooth and legally binding process for both buyer and seller with our sale and purchase agreements feature. Quickly and easily create, manage and approve transfer agreements.

Read more about sale and purchase agreements


Make it easy for residents to trade with each other - and give new life to everything from used sofas to old books. Create and find ads quickly with our marketplace feature.

Read more about Marketplace


Courses and continuing education can strengthen the association. Use our course feature to create courses for your residents and administration that they can easily register for.

Read more about Courses


A clear overview is necessary for the smooth operation of the housing association. With our calendar function, you can easily plan and coordinate important events, meetings and activities.

Read more about Calendar

Messaging system

Keep each other informed. The built-in messaging system makes it easy to communicate within the board, among the residents or with the janitor.

Read more about Messaging system


Our guide function makes it easy for residents to find answers to their questions - and saves both themselves and others from spending time on it.

Read more about Guides

Common rules

Make it easy for all residents to find the common rules. Easily create, customize and manage the housing association's common rules online.

Read more about Common rules


Community events can create unity and engagement in the housing association. Easily plan and send event invitations with our tools.

Read more about Events

Minutes of meetings

By digitizing board and general minutes, board work is optimized. Putting board minutes online is a helping hand in everyday life.

Read more about Minutes of meetings

Urgent information

It is important that urgent information is received quickly. Therefore, the association's website will have a unified platform in the internal messaging system, so that useful information reaches all residents quickly.

Read more about Urgent information

Secure login

A direct login provides easier and more secure administration of housing associations. It is easier to handle and increases security for both the board and residents.

Read more about Secure login

Online bulletin board

With an online bulletin board, you can easily upload and find practical information. It increases functionality and makes information much more interactive.

Read more about the Online bulletin board

Describe your housing association

No one knows your association like you do, so we've created a feature that allows you to highlight what makes your housing association the best place to live.

Read more about describing your housing association

The Handyman List

Make it easy and recognizable for everyone in the association with an online handyman list and get rid of administrative challenges in relation to renovations. Find everything about guidelines, sparring and other relevant information.

Read more about The Handyman List