Easy creation and administration of shared rules
Through your website, you can quickly and easily create new community rules. The board can easily write and edit the rules, add details, and inform residents if changes have been made. This could be urgent information or just something for the notice board. You can also note when the rules were last updated.

Simple communication to all residents
To ensure all residents are aware of the community rules, you can use our platform for communication. Send notifications, emails, or posts on the digital notice board so no one misses important information.
By keeping them online in one centralized location, you avoid them being forgotten in piles of paper or buried at the bottom of an inbox from when the resident first moved in.
The benefits of having clear rules
Clear and well-defined community rules foster a shared understanding of acceptable behavior in your housing association. They help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts while ensuring all residents are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
Additionally, they reduce the need for the board to repeatedly answer the same questions from residents.
Examples of Community Rules
Here are some typical community rules that might be relevant for your housing association:
- Noise Regulations: What are the quiet hours in the cooperative housing association?
- Waste Management: How and when should waste be disposed of in the homeowners’ association?
- Use of Common Areas: Guidelines for the use of courtyards, playgrounds, and other shared spaces in the homeowners’ association.
- Parking: Policies for car and bicycle parking in the garden allotment association.
- Pets: Rules regarding pet ownership in the residential association.

Easy access to common rules
Residents can quickly access and review the community rules online through the platform. All rules are gathered in one place, making it easy for residents to find and reference them whenever needed.