Share decisions and agendas with residents
As part of the board’s daily responsibilities, managing the activities and events within the association is essential. This can include tasks like the sale of a property, issuing reminder letters, or convening and holding general meetings. In these cases, keeping residents informed is crucial.
The board is responsible for making documents accessible to residents in the most practical way. Previously, printing minutes and delivering them in person was the easiest solution, but thankfully, technology has made this much simpler.
Now, minutes from board meetings and general assemblies can be uploaded to the website behind a secure login, allowing all residents to see the decisions made within the association. This ensures everyone understands how decisions will impact their daily lives.
When new decisions are approved, updating the bylaws is also simple, ensuring that the latest minutes and bylaws always reflect each other.

We help you comply with the rules
There are specific regulations regarding which documents can be uploaded to a housing association’s website—especially if the site is publicly accessible.
The board must obtain consent from individual residents if their name or other personal information is included in a document.
We ensure that only the association’s residents have access to certain parts of the website, allowing you to upload documents containing general information about residents without any concerns. This makes it easier to share agendas and meeting minutes with everyone in the association.
Upload Board Meeting Minutes
It is essential for the board to keep residents informed about the association’s activities. Decisions made at board meetings can significantly impact residents, making it crucial to share meeting minutes.
With Anyhoa, keeping residents informed after meetings has never been easier.
Upload General Assembly Minutes
While attendance at general assemblies is voluntary, it remains important to inform those who were unable to participate. Easily upload agendas and minutes from general assemblies using our integrated tools.
This also gives residents the opportunity to contribute to the agenda, allowing them to influence the direction of the association.
We ensure the highest security
Whether you’re part of a summer house association or a cooperative housing association, it’s crucial to us that you feel confident uploading documents to your website. With our login system, you’re guaranteed the highest level of security.
We ensure that your website is always up-to-date and free from security vulnerabilities. Our system prioritizes security, and we have extensive experience developing solutions for clients with high-security needs.

A modern and intuitive website
A modern website fosters connections and streamlines the work within the association. It simplifies document management for the board, ensuring that all members have access to the necessary materials.
As a resident, you are guaranteed instant access to the latest updates as soon as they are uploaded. The website is responsive, providing a consistent appearance across all devices.
Communication in the association
It is essential to keep everyone informed about the activities within the association and the tasks the board is working on. Smaller associations can easily hold resident meetings as needed, while larger associations may find it challenging to gather all residents.
Depending on the size, needs, and residents of the association, it can be advantageous to have a mailing list, distribute a resident newsletter, or create a website. The messaging system on your website allows the board to communicate internally among members and with the entire association effectively.