What are 'Other board members' in an owner's association?
What are the responsibilities of 'Other board members'?
How are 'Other board members' chosen?
Why is it important to have 'Other board members' in an owner's association?
Other frequent questions about Other board members
What are the roles of 'other board members' in a homeowners' association?
How are 'other board members' chosen in a housing cooperative?
What skills are valuable for 'other board members' in a property owners' association?
Other topics in our HOA dictionary
Notice (or Calling notice for a meeting)
In the context of an owner's association, a Notice or Calling notice for a meeting is a formal announcement made ahead of a meeting. This...
In the context of homeowners associations, a Secretary plays a vital role. This person is responsible for maintaining the records of the association, including meeting...
In the context of homeowner associations, an agenda refers to a list of items that need to be addressed during a meeting. This list is...
Presentation of proposals
Presentation of Proposals is a formal process where suggestions or plans are put forth for consideration or action in a meeting. These proposals can be...
Board meeting minutes
Board Meeting Minutes are the written or recorded documentation that is used to inform attendees and non-attendees about what was discussed or what happened during...
Homeowners’ association fee
A Homeowners’ association fee, often abbreviated as HOA fee, is a regular payment made by homeowners within a certain community, typically a housing estate or...