Easy access to all relevant information
There can be many questions in an association—ranging from guidelines, house rules, common regulations, to the use of shared spaces.
With our guide feature, you can easily upload all relevant guides and share them with the residents. You can also control who has access to specific guides. A template is available for laundry facilities and machine error reporting when issues arise. Guides like these make it easy to manage the housing association efficiently.

Here are some relevant guides for inspiration
Moving Guides: A guide for when a resident moves in - and out again.
Maintenance guide: Instructions for maintaining common areas and common working days.
Waste sorting: Where do you go to the garbage can? When do we get garbage picked up? What about bulky waste?
Board work: When are the board meetings and general meetings? How do I propose items for the agenda?
Guide to common areas: How to book the laundry room, common rooms or table and bench sets in the common courtyard.
House Rules: A guide to the association's house rules and regulations.
Internal communication: Guide on how to send joint messages or communicate with the board.
Fire safety: Guidelines for fire safety, back stairs, etc.

Save time and improve your communication
By having guides available online, your board and administration save time by not answering the same questions repeatedly.
Residents can easily find answers to their questions, saving time for both themselves and others.
Make sure everything is up to date and consistent
By having all guides collected online in one place, you can ensure that everyone always has access to the latest version. This is because there is only one version, which is updated online and digitally.
When changes are made, they can be quickly and easily updated in the system, ensuring that everyone follows the same rules. This benefits both the board and the residents. Guides also serve as a helpful supplement when the board has new information to share from their meetings.

Customize the guide exactly as desired
A guide often makes more sense when supplemented with images and details. With our guide feature, you can easily upload pictures, illustrations, and videos to make the guide as explanatory as possible.
See what guides you can make
The board of a housing association typically consists of volunteers – and the more time that can be saved, the better. In addition to offering courses and further training, you can proactively address residents’ questions with effective guides.